Category: Cleaning Your Braces & Retainers

Brushing with Braces

ask-your-ortho-qDr Derek, do you have any tips for brushing with braces?



ask-your-ortho-aBrush, brush, brush! It is important to take on the habit of good brushing and regular trips to the dentist, to keep your teeth (and braces) in their best possible condition. Studies show that people who have braces tend to brush better than those who have not, because they develop solid brushing habits while they care for their teeth with braces.

At the initial consultation, I talk with patients about their brushing routines and let them know how their brushing skills stack up. When you come in for orthodontic adjustments throughout treatment, I will help you stay on track with brushing (and am always happy to answer questions about it). Like most things you do for the first time, brushing with braces may take a little practice, but soon it will be second nature to you.

A Few Tips for Brushing with Braces

  • Frequency: Twice or preferably three times per day.
  • Technique: Brush the outer surface of your teeth and braces in a circular motion. Tilt brush at a 45 degree angle and brush above and below braces using a slow circular motion until teeth and braces are clean. Brush the insides of teeth and chewing surface.
  • Food Stuck in Braces: If you have food stuck in your teeth and are having trouble removing it, try using an interproximal or ‘Christmas Tree’ brush provided in your braces pack.
  • Electric vs. Manual Toothbrush: Either is capable of doing an excellent job. The same principles apply with both, it’s important to be diligent with brushing.